“The Easter Bunny is not Real!”

Monique (the Cheerleader puppet) is having a conversation with her pastor. She is excited about the play but does not like the subtitle regarding the “Easter Bunny is not real.” Her pastor goes on to explain that the real reason that we celebrate Easter Day (Resurrection Day) is that Jesus was abused for our sins, died at the hands of his accusers, but rose with all power in his name. And it is this power that will give us eternal life with God.

The beginning of the play takes place in an elementary school playground. A group of friends discusses what they expect to get on Easter Day and what they will be wearing. Most of them were only thinking of material things, which has been heavily commercialized.

One girl stands out from the group, emphasizing that Easter is all about Christ dying and rising from the dead. Though she is outnumbered in her belief, she holds steady to what her parents have taught and what she has heard in church.

Act II began with the meeting between Jesus and Peter before the last supper. As the story unfolds, Jesus is betrayed by one of his own, taken to judgment halls, beaten unrecognizably, nailed to a cross, gives up his life for humanity, and rises with all victory.

There are a total of 6-Acts, all very powerful. It ends back with Monique and her pastor. It reminds us of Christ’s love for us, giving us the ultimate price to bring us back into his fold.

Avis D. Brownlee-Wooley

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