Have you ever experienced a time when you saw the Glory of the Lord or the Glory Cloud? Well, I have. I am naturally curious, and I’ve always wanted to know what makes a thing or person react, is, or become. I believe that this is a built-in attribute from my Lord Almighty.

Let me explain. Some years ago, I was invited to attend a weekend service. A close friend and I went to this meeting. Because this was a different group of believers, I wasn’t readily accepting of the process their service would go, so I had my guard up to try the spirit by the Spirit. The morning service went on as any standard worship service would, singing, inspirational testimonies, and of course, an Evangelist preached the Word of the Lord. The Evangelist gave the benediction, we left, and we rested for a few hours with anticipation for the evening worship.

Here is where it becomes clear. We entered into the evening worship service with anticipation of experiencing God’s divine presence. Again, worship went on as expected, singing and testimonies, another Evangelist preached the Word, and then we were dismissed. Nothing extraordinary happened.

At first, I was upfront with my friend, meeting new believers, when a small band of believers went to the stage and started singing. There was no music, just believers singing with one heart and with one mind.

Eventually, my friend and I moved to the rear of the sanctuary and watched the small band of believers grow into a larger group. It seemed as if half of the people who attended had gone up to the stage. By this time, some musicians returned to their instruments and played along with the singing. My interest began to peak. I thought service was over; why were they continuing to worship?

Suddenly, as I watched, a white mist cloud began to hover over the stage. At first, I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me or that it was dust coming from the stage. I removed my glasses, cleared them, and put them back on. I noticed that the cloud was getting thicker, and the believers on the stage were rejoicing even more, singing and dancing; some began to fall to their knees and worship the Lord. 

At that moment, I realized that it was not dust from the stage but the Glory Cloud of the Lord. I remembered this scripture, “It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the Lord, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the Lord; So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason for the cloud: for the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God,” II Chronicles 5:13,14 (KJV). 

I recalled looking at where I was standing. There was no cloud hovering over us in the back. I looked back up front and saw the cloud. I wanted to be a part of that worship. I found myself moving swiftly up toward the stage to be a part of this incredible experience. The Lord came through for me as I worshipped him in the beauty of holiness. My heart was uplifted, he answered my prayer, and I came away from that experience knowing that the Glory of the Lord is real and that the Glory Cloud is real.

So, when we, the believers, begin to worship the Lord from the debts of our hearts, soul, and mind, he will meet us at the point of our need. There may not be any music, just the melodies in your heart. Jesus hears us, the heavenly host joins in with us, and this is where we can see the Lord or his glory manifested.

For every question that I have ever needed answered, the Lord always gives me the answer. It may not come on my timeline, but it comes. If you are unsure about what you read in the Bible, remember you can always ask the Lord to reveal a thing to you. And he will. Won’t He Do It!

Avis D. Brownlee-Wooley

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