I want to challenge your Biblical knowledge to help keep you sharp. Help us all to be aware of the ammunition that God has provided for us. The first person who answers all the questions by emailing me your answers will receive a “FREE” gift. A specialized Tumbler. You have 1-week starting from today March 15, 2020. Okay, let’s get to it.

  1. Who was Elisha’s servant who was stricken with leprosy because of his greediness?
  2. What happened to the children who shouted “Baldhead” at Elisha?
  3. Who was the only known daughter of Jacob?
  4. What woman of the Bible saved the lives of two spies by letting them down a top from her window?
  5. What woman of the Bible was given an unlimited oil supply until a drought ended?
  6. In what book of the Bible, aside from the four Gospels, are other direct quotations of Jesus found?
  7. What was the Old Testament Purim?
  8. Who was Ester’s husband?
  9. Who built the three temples in Jerusalem?
  10. In what two books of the Bible is the Lord’s prayer found?
  11. Where did Job live?
  12. Where was the home of Amos the prophet?
  13. Which of Jacob’s sons was a direct ancestor of Christ?
  14. What did Joseph instruct his servants to hid in a sack belonging to his brother, Benjamin?
  15. To what land did Jacob flee after he stole his brother’s birthright?
  16. On what mountain did Solomon build his Temple?
  17. What Biblical warrior refused to fight unless accompanied by a woman?
  18. Whose daughter became a human sacrifice to pay a vow her father had made the Lord?
  19. Who was Jeremiah’s scribe?
  20. What Assyrian King’s army was slain by an angel of the Lord?
  21. Of what country was Balak king?
  22. Whom did God command not to outwardly mourn when his wife died?
  23. When Joshua conquered Jerico, who stole some of the treasures to be consecrated to the Lord and claimed them as his own?
  24. What woman drove a tent peg through the temple of any army commander?
  25. What is the 12th month of the Jewish year?

Answer all 25 questions correctly and complete by March 22sd and win a “FREE” specialty 30 oz. Tumbler. Your name will be posted on my Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook pages. 2nd place winner will get a mousepad or a coffee cup. 3rd place winner will get a T-shirt. Thank you for playing along, and best wishes to you all.

Avis D. Brownlee-Wooley

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