I purchased an embroidery machine to learn the craft of embroidery. It took me nearly six months to make a final decision on which machine I would buy. There was a sense of overwhelming satisfaction when I finally made my decision. I could hardly wait for it to arrive! That day eventually came. I did not open it right away, matter of fact, it sat for about 3-4 days before I unpacked it. I stared at the box, many times as if by some mysterious force, it would open it. Then my husband asked, “when are you going to open it up?” So later that night after returning from work, I decided to open the box.

It was as beautiful as the pictures had shown. I took all the moving parts out of the packages to make sure I had everything that the instructions said. Everything was there GREAT! Now I had to wait for the remaining items to arrive, the box of threads and the additional bobbins. A few days later, everything was in place, I was free to start.

I must say, I was a little intimidated when I turned on the machine. A feeling of what if I made a mistake buying this, and the learning curve would be too much. Anyone who knows me personally knows that I do not shy away from a challenge. I pulled myself together and began following the instructions. Everything seems to be okay until I tried to create an embroidery image from a jpeg. I ran into several snags. I referred back to the software, watched more videos, and at this time, it was beginning to look Greek to me. Internally, I panicked. Were my first impressions correct that I had bitten off more than I could chew? Or maybe I did make a mistake in my purchase?

I mustered up the courage to keep on trying. One evening in my haste I stepped back for a few minutes, and I began to pray. Anytime I run into situations that are bigger than me, I turn to the Lord. I asked him to open up my eyes of understanding and show me the way. Show me where I was erroring. Shortly afterward I went back to my computer, and this thought came into my spirit: “the more time you spend reading, investigating, and seeking out ways to understand, the closer you will get to full knowledge. This is the same way it is when you want to know more about me. The more time you spend in my Word, seeking after the things of God, the closer you get to understanding, and knowing me and my will.” This was so profound that it stayed with me. I thought of this scripture immediately, Matthew 11:28-30.Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Each day that I work on my machine, I learn a little more than I knew the days before. Then one evening as I was pondering over the issue, it was as if a light bulb illuminated, I looked at my sample work and the thought came to me – go back look at this, go back to your computer software, and do this. At that moment I felt like Peter when he saw Jesus on the shore and was asked did they catch anything. Peter’s reply was no, but upon Jesus’ request, Peter said, “nevertheless, at thy word...” That was my nevertheless moment. I did as the Spirit of the Lord instructed. I was able to conquer that issue by simply following the Spirit of the Lord, guiding me to the understanding I needed.

Have I gotten a complete knowledge of the inner workings of embroidery and the software, I can surely say, NO; but as long as I continue to ask, seek, and knock, I am sure to accomplish my goal. Things are beginning to look as they should, and I am feeling more confident as a novice. I truly do lean on the Lord for all of my understanding, and He does direct my path.

I was laboring so very hard and seem to get nowhere. When I began to seek the Lord, take the yoke that was too heavy for me and pick up his yoke, he began moving on my behalf. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Wherever you find yourself in life, take the yoke of the Lord, and learn of Him. He is lowly in heart and you too can find peace for your soul.

Avis D. Brownlee-Wooley

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